collanine, braccialetti, anellini, portafogli, portamonete, portachiavi, spille, zaino, set, astucci, scuola, Palloncini, gonfiabili, addobbi, tavola, piatti, bicchieri, posate, tovaglioli, banner, bandierine, festoni, statuine, decorazioni, torte, personalizzati, personaggi, cartoni, animati, super, eroi, Avengers, Justice, League, Principesse, disney, Squadre, calcio, serie, A, Harry, Potter, my, little, pony, Jack, pirati, Sam, pompiere, Mia, Me, Shimmer, Shine, Power, Rangers, Tartarughe, Ninja, Turtle, Lego, Batman, Ninjago, Star, Wars, Superman, Spiderman, Capitan, America, IronMan, Xmen, Death, Pool, robot, Transformers, Bella, Bestia, sirenetta, Ariel, Biancaneve, dotty, dottoressa, peluche, Minnie, topolino,super, pigiamini, Gattoboy, Geco, Gufetta, Vaiana, Oceania, fantastici, 4, bamboline, dolls, Lol, Surprise, Lalaloopsy, Miraculous ladybug, Pokemon, Go, Pikachu, super, macchine, Blaze, Gadget, fine, festa, compleanno, a tema, personaggi, cartoni, animati, bambini, bambine, regali, regalini, ricordini, ringraziamento, invitati, 1, euro, blaze, tartarughe, ninja, turtle, miraculous, ladybug, principesse, disney, sofia, anna, elsa, frozen, rapunzel, star, wars, pokemon, pikachu, go, super, mario, bros, avengers, supereroi, spiderman, batman,
Meta Keywords are a specific type of meta tag that appear in the HTML code
of a Web page and help tell search engines what the topic of the page is.
However, google can't use meta keywords.
Social Data
Cost and overhead previously rendered this semi-public form of communication unfeasible.
But advances in social networking technology from 2004-2010 has made broader concepts of sharing possible.