Patrizia Deitos, from Rimini, was once a super model who paraded on some of the most renowned international catwalks. Among her favourite stylist are Krizia, Ferré, Missoni, Mila Schon, Raffaella Curiel, La Perla, Parah.
Her entry into the world of modelling was not only due to her (182 cm) height, but to the lucky coincidence of being in the Embassy nightclub in Rimini, where at 17 years old, she was invited to partecipate in the “Miss Cinema Contest” which she won: this opened the way to the “Miss Italia Contest” which she declined because of her reserved character, but was eventually persuaded to participate in the “Miss Romagna Contest” which she won and so was automatically among the contestants for the final of “Miss Italia”.
This time, deciding to enter, she achieved third place and won the “Miss Smile International Contest”.
Despite this, Patrizia then went on to finish the last two years of high school, as if nothing had happened, and obtained her diploma, excepting only photo shoots.
For a period she alternated studies and fashion parades, obtaining a degree with honours at the University of Bologna in Medieval History.
Her real passion, however, was singing, which she began studying at the age of 14.
When she was very young, she was a finalist in the “Concorso di Castrocaro” and “The Song Accademy of Sanremo”.
Thanks to her contacts in the fashion world she performs mostly abroad, not being interested in the Italian market which she has often declared to be provincial and not based on merit.
She has performed with the “Demo Morselli Orchestra”, The Platters and Gipsy King.
She has sung at the opening of Dionne Warwick concerts and performed at the Cannes Publicity Festival.
She continues to alternate singing and modelling preferring to work abroad.
She has been asked to present famous events abroad thanks to her excellent Knowledge of English.
Once again always more away than at home.
For some years now Patrizia has returned to jazz, her old passion, collaborating with “Simone Giannotti Jazz Septet” and perfirming in Duo with the same Giannotti.
Patrizia has a son, Umberto, born in 2003; and she is married to the actor and director Antonio Maria Magro.
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